Keeping Your Trees HealthyKeeping Your Trees Healthy

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Keeping Your Trees Healthy

After we moved into a new home, I realized that the trees out front needed some serious attention. They were overgrown, tired-looking, and a little dangerous, so I started working with professional arborists to have them trimmed. It was a lot of work, but before we knew it, things had really improved. By the time they were finished pruning the branches, the trees didn't block the view of our home and we really felt like they would bloom better in the spring. Check out this blog for more information that could help you to keep your trees happy and healthy.

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4 Tips For Keeping Your Trees In Great Shape

If you love having a nice-looking lawn, you may have several trees in it. This is one of the things you can have that will help your home and yard appear to be well loved. It's important to do the right things to enable your trees to stand the test of time and remain healthy. Being aware of specific tips you can start doing today may allow your trees to look and remain attractive.

Tip #1: Be mindful of new projects

You may want to put a new walkway around your home and need to do some construction work to make this happen. However, it's important to plan any digging you intend to do beforehand. Ensuring you don't hurt the roots of the tree is a great way to maintain the health of this vital part of your landscaping

Tip #2: Watch where you park

One thing you will want to do is be mindful of where you park your vehicle on a daily basis. You may be in a hurry and frequently park around one of your favorite trees. However, consistently doing this may damage the roots of the tree, and this is one thing you will want to avoid.

Tip #3: Use mulch

Taking the time to put mulch around your trees can accomplish some things. This can be wood chips that are used to protect this part of your lawn. Other advantages of using mulch include reducing the possibility of weeds growing too quickly and decreasing the attractiveness of your landscaping.

Tip #4: Don't trim too frequently

You will want to be mindful of pruning your trees and only doing this task as necessary. More mature trees don't typically require cutting as much as younger ones, and overdoing it could cause damage. However, you will want to be sure to remove dead branches to enable your tree to continue to grow and remain as healthy as possible over time. This will help allow for new growth and is essential for good health.

You can work to have trees in your yard that you're proud when you invest the right amount of energy into this task. Of course, doing so will require on your part, and being aware of what to do is essential. Be sure to rely on the expertise of a professional tree service, like Hudson & Sons Tree Service, if you feel you need assistance in this area today!