Keeping Your Trees HealthyKeeping Your Trees Healthy

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Keeping Your Trees Healthy

After we moved into a new home, I realized that the trees out front needed some serious attention. They were overgrown, tired-looking, and a little dangerous, so I started working with professional arborists to have them trimmed. It was a lot of work, but before we knew it, things had really improved. By the time they were finished pruning the branches, the trees didn't block the view of our home and we really felt like they would bloom better in the spring. Check out this blog for more information that could help you to keep your trees happy and healthy.

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3 Simple Signs Your Fig Tree Is In Distress

From added appeal and shade to color, texture, and home value, the benefits of planting trees are easy to see. Unfortunately, proper planting and ongoing maintenance are essential to protect the look and underlying health of these landscaping elements. If you are part of the many homeowners who enjoy the beautiful color, grand height and width of up to 20 feet, and fruit of the fig tree, you most likely worry if your tree is in good overall health. If your fig tree is displaying one or more of these signs, it may be in distress.

Loss of Foliage

In the autumn, trees do lose their leaves. This is common due to the cooler temperatures. However, if your fig tree is beginning to lose its leaves in the spring or summer, there may be an underlying issue killing your tree.

Wilting, browning, and then falling of the leaves could signal a few things. Your tree may be under attack by certain pests, such as Japanese Beetles, which feed on the foliage. Treating the tree with a pesticide is usually sufficient for repelling these bugs and restoring the tree back to health.

If your tree is infected by a fungus, treatment will depend on the severity of damage. Applying a fungicide to the tree as soon as notice foliage is wilting or browning is essential. If your tree has already loss all of its leaves, it may need to be removed from the ground by a tree removal service before the fungus infects nearby trees.

Loss of Branches

Heavy winds and freezing precipitation in the winter can all cause one or more branches of the fig tree to break and fall off. If your tree branches are showing signs of weakness through normal weather conditions, consider having it inspected by a professional to determine the cause.

Branches that are dry, brittle, and breaking off the tree trunk are a sign that the tree has been infected with a disease.

Leaning Tree

Again, heavy wind, rain, and freezing precipitation can affect your tree, but if your tree's trunk appears to be leaning out of the ground, it is most likely in serious distress.

Root rot disease is a common problem caused by a dangerous fungus which spreads through the roots. In later stages of this disease, the roots may be so decayed, the tree trunk will not be stable in the ground, causing it to lean towards one side.

Before the root rot spreads to nearby trees and shrubs, you must remove the affected tree from the ground immediately. Then, apply a fungicide to the soil where the tree was planted to prevent further infection.

Caring for your trees requires a great deal of understanding. With this guide, you will know when and if your fig tree is in distress and requires treatment.